









Fang, Cheng-Hsi (2017), Chinese Individualist Travels in Taiwan: Must Go VS. Want to Go, American Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2(4), p.109-113.

李皇照、方正璽、吳欣穎 (2017),臺灣水果契約產銷調查資料分析,農產運銷半年刊,第156卷,p.1-17.

李皇照、方正璽、吳欣穎 (2017),台灣水果外銷供應鏈之探討–以芒果外銷日本為例,農產運銷半年刊,第155卷,p.9-22.

Lin, Y.-H., C.-L. Hsu, M.-F. Chen, Cheng-Hsi Fang (2017), New gratification for social word-of-mouth spread via mobile SNSs: Uses and gratifications approach with a perspective of media technology, Telematics and Informatics, 34(4), p382-397.

邱玉葉、方正璽、梅玉貞 (2016),桃園市免費市民公車滿意度調查報告,健行學報,第36卷、第一期,P.33-58.

李皇照、方正璽、吳欣穎 (2016),中國生鮮農產品流通體系之發展與現況,農產運銷半年刊,第153期,P.39-54.

李皇照、方正璽、吳欣穎 (2015),中國水果生產與貿易發展之分析,農產運銷半年刊,第152期,P.1-16.

李皇照、方正璽、吳欣穎 (2015),中國蔬菜產銷發展趨勢分析,農產運銷半年刊,第151期,P. 38-54.

Lin, Y. H., Fang, C. H., and Hsu, C. L. (2014), Determining uses and gratifications for mobile phone apps, Future Information Technology, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 309, pp.661-668. (EI)

方正璽、黃月春、李皇照 (2013),從案例看台灣農產品品牌行銷之困境與發展,國際商經評論,第4期,P. 53-82.

Fang, Cheng-Hsi (2013), An Exploratory Study on the Adaptive Word-of-Mouth Communication in Seeker-initiated Context, Business Management and Strategy, 4(1), 86-96.

Fang, Cheng-Hsi, Yueh-Chuen Huang, Yu-Yeh Chiu (2013), The Shift to Home Meal Replacement Consumption in Convenience Stores, Journal of Food Studies, 2(1), 1-12.

Yimiao Chen, Fangyi Liu, Cheng-Hsi Fang, and Tom M. Y. Lin (2013), Understanding the Effectiveness of Word-of Mouth: An Elasticity Perspective, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(1), 57 – 77. (INSPEC in EI)

Fangyi Liu, Sue-Ting Chang, Cheng-Hsi Fang, and Tom M.Y. Lin (2012), Word-of-Mouth Effect of Aboriginal Cultural Products Purchase Behavior in Taiwan, International journal of psychology, 47(SI), 179-179. (SSCI)

Meei-Ying Lan, Fangyi Liu, Cheng-Hsi Fang, and Tom M. Y. Lin (2012), Understanding Word-of-Mouth in Counterfeiting, Psychology, 3(3): 289-295.

Fang, Cheng-Hsi, Hui-Hua Ou-Yang, and Yu-Yeh Chiu (2012), An Exploratory Study of Online Negative Word-of-Mouth Communication, Journal of Ching-Yun University, 32(1): 29-43.

Fang, Cheng-Hsi, Tom M.Y. Lin, Fangyi Liu and Yu Hsiang Lin (2011), Product Types and Word of Mouth: A dyadic Perspective. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 5 (2/3): 189-202. (INSPEC in EI)

Chiu, Yu-Yeh, Cheng-Hsi Fang (2011), Effects of Popularity Claim on Ad Believability and Brand Attitude: The Moderating Roles of Advertiser Reputation and Skepticism, Journal of Ching-Yun University, 31(4): 1-18.

方正璽、林芳羽 (2010), 網路上的暴力正義–人肉搜尋的現象與探討,資訊與管理科學期刊,第3卷,第2期, P.23-35.

Fang, Cheng-Hsi and Hwang-Jaw Lee (2009), Food-Related Lifestyle Segments in Taiwan: Application of the FRL Instrument, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 6 (12): 2036-2042. (INSPEC in EI)

Huang, Yueh Chuen, Cheng-Hsi Fang, and Hwang-Jaw Lee (2009). The Role of Service Elements in Artistic Experience Delivery, Social Behavior and Personality, 37 (7), 933-940. (SSCI)

李皇照、方正璽 (2008),台灣地區主食消費偏好結構轉變之驗証,農業與經濟,第40期,P.45-70. (TSSCI)