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Wen,W.,Yu, T, & Benoit, W.L. (2012). The failure of‘scientific’ evidence in Taiwan: a case study of international image repair for American beef,AsianJournal of Communication, 22:2, 121-139 [SSCI]


溫偉群、游梓翔 (2010)。〈八八水災救災過程中馬團隊對外傳播的檢討與啟示〉。《選舉評論》,8,頁1-18。


溫偉群、游梓翔 (2009)。〈2008年總統大選電視廣告之功能分析〉。《選舉研究》,16:2,頁71-99。[TSSCI]

Wen, W., Yu, T., & Benoit, W. L. (2009). Our hero Wang can’t be wrong! A case study of collectivistic image repair in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Communication.

溫偉群、游梓翔 (2008)。〈2008年台灣總統大選電視辯論的功能分析研究〉。《選舉評論》,5,頁15-32。

Benoit, W. L., Wen, W., & Yu, T. (2007). A functional analysis of 2004 Taiwanese political debates. Asian Journal of Communication, 17(1), 24-39.

Wen, W., Benoit, W. L., & Yu, T. (in press). A functional analysis of the 2000 Taiwanese and U.S. presidential spots. Asian Journal of Communication.

Yu, T., & Wen, W. (in press). Monologic and dialogic styles of argumentation: a Bakhtinian analysis of academic debates between mainland China and Taiwan. Argumentation.

Yu, T., & Wen, W. (2003). Crisis Communication in Chinese Culture: A Case Study in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Communication, 13(2), 50-64.




游梓翔、溫偉群.(2002),〈從語藝取徑評析獨家報導在璩美鳳事件中的形象修護策略〉。《世新學報》,12, 頁209-231.

游梓翔(2002, 5月),〈探傳播的源,尋傳播的根──Frank Dance與他的傳播理論〉,《傳播研究簡訊》,30,頁17-21。

游梓翔(2002, 2月),〈演講者接近聽眾的三個層次〉,《演講與口才》,頁48。

游梓翔(2002, 1月),〈演講選題的三大原則〉,《演講與口才》,頁。

游梓翔(2001, 7月),〈口語傳播:廣電說話人的必修課〉,《廣電人》,頁60-63。

游梓翔(2001, 2月),〈演講中的SPA三角理論〉,《演講與口才》,頁20。

游梓翔(1999, 6月),〈危機公關與形象重建〉,《公訓報導》,85期,頁50-5。

游梓翔、 溫偉群((1988),〈從辯論理論評兩岸學生辯論〉。《中國論壇》, 1988年5月, 頁66-69。

Yu, T., Wen, W., & Lee, C. (2003, November). The Adaptation and Justification of News Control: A Case Study of Private News Organization in Taiwan. Paper to be presented in the annual convention of National Communication Association, Miami.

Wen, W. & Yu, T. (2002, November). Monologic and dialogic arguementation: A Baktinian analysis of academic debates between mainland China and Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2002 annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.

Wen, W., & Yu, T. (2002, November). The privileged in the margin: The adaptation and marginalization of highly educated internationals in the U.S. Paper presented at the 2002 annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.

Wen, W., & Yu, T. (2002, November). A fantasy theme analysis of Taiwanese President Chen’s 2000 inaugural speech. Paper presented at the 2002 annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.

Wen, W. & Yu, T. (2002, November). A comparative content analysis of Taiwanese presidents’ national day speeches. Paper presented at the 2002 annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.


游梓翔、溫偉群(2001, 3月),《從2001年縣市長大選評析台灣地方首長選舉電視辯論的口語傳播策略》,發表於2001年縣市長暨立法委員選舉政治行銷與選舉研究學術研討會 ,台北。

Wen, W., & Yu, T. (2001, November). A functional analysis of the 2000 Taiwanese presidential spots. Paper presented at the 2001 annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Atlanta.

Yu, T., & Wen, W. (2001, November). Toward a rule-based theory of interpersonal argument. Paper presented at the 2001 annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Atlanta.

Yu, T., & Wen, W. (2001, April). A critical study of Taiwan’s Debate ’96: How narratives influenced the choice of Taiwanese voters. Paper presented at the 2001 Southern States Communication Association convention, Lexington, KY.

游梓翔(1998),《從「口語」在傳播中的定位看台灣口語傳播學的未來》,發表於第一屆 國際口語傳播學術研討會,台北。

Yu, T., & Wen, W. (1997, November). Making sense of a culture of obedience through communication: A case study in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 1997 annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago.

Yu, T., & Smith, R. (1996, November). How Taiwanese organizations view crisis communication: A cultural interpretation. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Diego.

Yu, T., & Kessel, R. (1995, November). Confucian Ethics: A Survey of Confucius’ Views on the Ethics of Spoken Language. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Speech Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.

Yu, T., Hulbert-Johnson, R., & Wu, Y. (1995, November). Teaching public speaking in the electronic age. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Speech Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.

Yu, T., Wu, Y., & Wood, R. V. (1994, November). Improving public speaking teaching and research. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Speech Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

游梓翔、溫偉群、劉文英譯 (2012)。《人際關係與溝通技巧》(二版)。台北:雙葉。(原書Wood, J. A. [2013] Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters (7th ed.) Boston: Wadsworth.)


游梓翔、溫偉群、陳佩軒 (2010)。《英語口語傳播》(Presenting in English)。台北:文鶴。





游梓翔(2001),有效溝通的可靠門徑,刊於阿奇利斯(C. Argyris)等著(傅靜譯),《有效溝通》(Harvard Business Review on effective communication)(頁一~十),台北: 天下文化。






游梓翔 (2014):〈數字時代的口語傳播學:一個學科名稱、核心概念與核心能力的分 析〉,刊於李展主編,《數字化時代的口語傳播:理論、方法與實踐》,頁1 -14,廈 門:廈門大學出版社。

劉文英、游梓翔(2002, 11月),《菸害警示圖文的效果》,行政院衛生署國民健康局委託研究計劃。

陳齊瑞、游梓翔、常邵如(2000, 7月),《東亞地區語言使用與教學現況之比較研究—口語傳播教育規劃及實施情況1/3》,國科會研究計畫成果報告。

陳齊瑞、游梓翔、常邵如(2002, 1月),《東亞地區語言使用與教學現況之比較研究—口語傳播教育規劃及實施情況2/3》,國科會研究計畫成果報告。

林靜伶、游梓翔(1999, 7月),《新聞取徑中意念的再現:論題取徑的分析》,國科會研究計畫成果報告。

游梓翔(1999, 1月),《台灣首次總統民選候選人電視辯論之語藝分析》,國科會研究計畫成果報告。